•New Year in Iceland 2017•

by - 1:00 pm

Firstly, How was everyone's New Year, did you all have fun?? Secondly, do you all like my new blog, I gave it a bit of a make-over!
If you follow me on Instagram or on Snapchat then you will know that I went to Iceland for New Year, it was a place that I had heard was insane to visit but just never thought I would make it there. Ringing in the bells in another country with the hustle of Edinburgh was so relaxing!!  I had the best time and I thought I would share some pictures!

As there was 6 of us that went we booked a cute Airbnb in Hestfjall, just outside Selfoss. It was absolutely stunning, it was more like a cabin, it was so cute and cozy. Waking up to this view every morning was just a dream!!

We got into Iceland super late on the 29th so the first proper day was the 30th. The girls had booked to go Snorkeling in Thingvellir National Park, however, I decided not to due to my bad ears! Watching them struggle to get the suits on was funny but at the same time quite stressful. I got great views of the snow and mountains, and as much as it was freezing I love soaking it all in!

The second day (31st) was all about the Blue Lagoon, this is what I most excited about! We paid for standard but on the day we upgraded to premium, we got robes and flip flops and were able to use most face masks, as well as get a drink at the bar. The water was stunning and it was so relaxing, deffo one of my highlights and the best way to spend the last day of 2016!
We then went back to the cabin, played a few games, got a little merry and rung in the new year with viewing  The Northern Lights singing 'Auld Lang Syne'.

The next day we decided to tackle the Golden Circle' by ourselves, we had the car so it was perfect. We had researched the main places and headed off. First stop was the Keris Crater, then we drove to Gulfoss Waterfall, which was stunning! Lastly was the Hot Springs Geysir! We had a bite to eat and then headed but, we did the whole thing into 3/4 hours which was amazing!
We had planned a cruise to see the Northern Lights but unfortunately due to the weather it was canceled so we headed into Reykjavik for some dinner, I wished I could have spent more time there, as it was such a cute little town!

We left very early on the Monday to catch the flight, having a smoothie and crying over how expensive the Victoria's Secret was at the airport! :(

Hope you enjoy my pics, photo cred to Steph and Danielle on a few pictures!!

Photo Cred to Steph 

Photo Cred to Steph 
Photo Cred to Danielle

I had the best time and it was so nice ringing into the New Year with these girls!!! 
If you have any questions about Iceland just let me know?!
I can't wait for 2017, it is going to be the best year!! 
Happy New Year! 

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  1. Iceland has never even been on my radar to visit but it sounds like you had a great trip with the girls! Happy New Year to you!

    Sian x

  2. Iceland has been on my bucket list since I can remember and your post has reminded me of why! Looks incredible!! The Blue Lagoon and the Northern Lights! Happy New Year xxxxxxxx


  3. You look like you had the BEST time!! Photos look so beaut too 😍 The trip sounds really well planned out too, Iceland has always been high on my list of places to visit, but I'll deffo be using this post as a guide for when I go haha.

    Happy New Year

    Love Izzy | www.ADoseOfChatter.com

  4. OMG HOW UNREAL IS THIS POST. I think this blog post is genuinely my most favourite travel post I've ever read. The pictures are beautiful, credit to some of your friends of course but it all ties in to your blog post perfectly. It looks like you had the most magical time and you've officially convinced me to start looking into visiting Iceland at some point in the next few years, so you'll have to tell me all the deets! Great post Emma, and happy new year x

  5. great pictures! looks like you had a good time :)


  6. I want to go to Iceland so badly! It looks amazing, especially the Blue Lagoon. All of your pictures are absolutely gorgeous, especially the 5th photo! Iceland really is the most stunning looking place <3 And such a wonderful way for you to bring in the New Year! Very jealous

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

    1. Btw I forgot to mention that the makeover looks great! Good job :)

  7. I'm looking to go in February with a few blogger friends and this has just made me even more excited!

  8. Sounds like you had an amazing time, I'm debating going here for my 21st this year!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous photos! Going to a country like that is incredible- the Blue Lagoon?! Total dream. Thanks for sharing your experience!
    XX Jen beautylifemom.com

  10. Oh my gosh, I love these photos, amazing job! :)


  11. What an amazing way to bring in the new year! I went to Iceland in November but only got a couple of days so we did the national park and blue lagoon but I definitely want to go back and do the golden circle!
    Amy xx

  12. Wow this looks gorgeous , the quality of these photos are amazing!!

  13. Looks like you had an amazing time! I'd love to go somewhere different for New Year's Eve. Happy new year x

  14. This looks amazing! I've recently seen some people visit Iceland and it looks gorgeous, it's such a great idea to go away for New Year's Eve 🙊 X

  15. I would really love to visit Iceland and it looks like you all had an amazing time 😊

    Steph xx

    Steph's World | Lifestyle Blog | www.stephsworld.com

  16. Holy cow, that looks and sounds amazing! I'm so jealous, apart from not liking the cold its definitely near the top of list of places to go. So so pretty!

    Katie | silverglowx.com
