by - 1:00 pm

I don't know about you, but one of my favourite things to do to get me in the Christmas spirit is to watch my favourite Christmas movies!! Getting all cosy, with fairy light (obvs) and a nice cup of something warm is my idea of a perfect day!! 
With the big day only one week away I thought I would share my favourite Christmas films, that have been getting me right into the festive mood!

The Santa Clause Movies
This for some reason is the first set of movies I watch at Christmas, it just gives me the Christmas buzz. Although there are three films I think the first one will always be my favourite, it just a feel good movie!! This movie always made me want to go to the North Pole ahah

You can't go a Christmas without watching Elf, this movie is so funny and again such a feel good film. Not to mention it is set in New York and if you have seen my posts, you will know that I fell in love with NY! The movie wouldn't be the movie without the fab Will Ferell, he is hilarious and gives us all the perfect quotes to use at Christmas, my fav 'Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins'!

Disney's A Christmas Carol
Now this story is a complete winner at Christmas, there are so many adaptations of this movie, however, Disney's A Christmas Carol is one of my favourite, it stars Jim Carrey and is an animation. This by far had to make it on my list, the animated is incredible, I remember seeing it when it was in the cinemas, in 3D,  and thinking how magical the snow looked as it fell.Although I never understand the horse and cart section of the movie lol

My second favourite has to be Albert Finney's Scrooge, this is actually my parents favourite so I have been brought up watching it! I think we could sit and resight the whole movie, as well as all the songs! I just love the storyline, it just warms my heart!!

The Grinch
Watching this puts me in such a good mood, it reminds me so much of when I was little so it just makes me happy! Jim Carrey is just brilliant, the Grinch wouldn't be the same without him!
I am currently watching it just now, my mum and I are resisting the whole film, laughing away! I just love it!!

Arthur Christmas
This is a new favourite and if you have read any of my Xmas posts you will know that I was obsessed with this movie last year! I watched it so many times and never got bored of it! This year is no difference, again it is such a feel good movie! Arthur is such a cute character, you just want to give him a hug!
I think I need to watch it again, I haven't seen it in a few weeks! ;)

Polar Express
This has to be up there with my favourite films, purely because my family and I watch it every year on Christmas Eve! It has become a family tradition now,  we have watched it for about 8 years now! The movie is sad and happy and joyful and everything you need in a Christmas film!  I love the animations and the songs are fab! *burst into 'HOT HOT HOT CHOCOLATE'*

I think I  need to cram these 7 films into the next 7 days, which I think is plausible with my christmas mood aha!! Let me know what you like you watch?? 
Have a great day!


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  1. The Grinch is probably my favourite ever Christmas film! Another one I really like is Jack Frost. I only watched Elf for the first time last Christmas and I loved it!

  2. I love Elf, The Grinch and The Polar Express. But my absolute favourite is Muppets Christmas Carol 🎄

  3. Some really good Christmas films here! One of my favourites though is Jingle All The Way, my boyfriend and I even watch it when its not Christmas haha!!!! xxx

  4. I love elf, my all time fav is Miracle on 34th Street!

  5. Great choices! Elf is hilarious! I need to rewatch some of the others!

  6. Lovely post these are all such classic Christmas movies. I've never ever seen the grinch and I seriously need to!!

  7. Great post!! I love Elf!! <3

    Love, Melissa x

  8. The Grinch has to be my all time favourite christmas movie but I love to watch all. And Christmas won't be Christmas without watching The Santa Claus :)

  9. The Santa Claus movies are a favourite of mine! And Polar express is my Christmas Eve movie!

    Emily-May xo

  10. I love Elf,The Polar Express and The Santa Clause movies, some of my favs! But I have to say none of them top the Home Alone movies! x

  11. All these films are brilliant at getting you into the festive spirit! I especially adore The Santa Clause, it's my favourite Christmas movie 💖

    Gemma | www.anoceanglimmer.wordpress.com

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hahah you should definitely try and cram them all in!! I've never actually seen the Christmas Carol with Jim Carey in, I can't believe it 🙈 My fave is Miracle on 34th street!
    Lovely post,

    Izzy | www.ADoseOfChatter.com

  14. "Cotton headed ninny muggins" is one of my favourite quotes from Elf too 😂 Another of my personal faves is when he answers the phone and goes "Buddy the Elf, what's your favourite colour" hahahah 😂 You're absolutely right, there's nothing better than a Christmas movie to get you in the mood for the holidays!

    Abbey 💗 www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

  15. The Santa Claus is my favourite movie you've mentioned babe. I haven't seen any of the others, bad I know! 💜💫✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x
    www.AlishaValerie.com | www.twitter.com/AlishaValerie

  16. Brilliant choices! I love all of these apart from Arthur Christmas which I still haven't got around to watching (totally need to fix that tomorrow ha). I love all of these movies (especially The Grinch and The Santa Clause) and I also really love the likes of White Christmas, and Miracle on 34th Street

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

  17. Such lovely suggestions! I'm not a huge Xmas film watcher so I think I need to try out some of these! x

  18. I'm not crazy about Christmas films but I love Muppets Christmas Carol. This year, I've taken to recording loads of cheesy ones that Channel 5 show during the day; you know those ones that have a really rubbish storyline and always have someone from a TV show in them?

    Sian x
