by - 1:00 pm

I would say that I am a fairly new blogger so when I got nominated by Hannah for the Liebster award I was excited!! I love finding new blogs and getting to know people so this is just perfect for me!!  

If you are nominated you must follow these rules:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
4. Ask them 11 questions.
5. Let them know that you have nominated them.

11 Facts about Me

1. I am 21 years old however I get told I look about 16-18 lol
2. My birthday is in July but I have always wanted a winter birthday 
3. I am currently in the process of finding a Summer Camp to work in next year through Americamp!
4. When I meet people for the first time I like to tell people that I am a proper Visual Merchandiser , I don't have the title (lol) but I do dress my works windows!
5. I fell in love with New York when I visited it in March!
6. I have an unhealthy obsessed with Victoria Secret everything, soz
7. I have been Gluten free for nearly 4 years and I still miss it!!!
8. My favourite color is baby pink and I love the colors white, gray and gold together with the pink.
9. My maybe, not guilty pleasures are Little Mix and Dance Moms!!
10. I am neither an early bird or a night owl, I generally can't do either ahaha 
11. I still live at home with my parents and sister Sarah and I love them so much!!

11 Questions by Hannah 

1. Do you speak any other languages, if not, what language would you like to learn?
I used to take German at school but I know the complete basics, however, I would love to know French! It is such a pretty language!!
2. What is your all-time favourite film?
Childhood film,  Matilda 100%, I always wanted to have her powers but I love Clueless! I don't even know how many times I have watched it!!!
3. Besides blogging, what other hobbies do you have?
Ohh... I don't even know, probs sitting watching Youtube videos ;) LOL
4. Where has your favorite holiday been?
Like I said I fell in love with New York, however, I love  Paris and Malta also!!
5. Cats or dogs?
I have kinda overcome my fear of dogs so I will 100% say dogs, I just don't like cats ahaha sorry
6. What's your favourite type of cake?
I don't even eat this cake a lot but it would be carrot cake!
7. If you couldn't go abroad on holiday, where would you like to go within your own country?
As much as I would of 'lol'd at saying this when I was younger but somewhere up the North of Scotland, in a cabin away from everything, with nice views and calm!!
8. Do you play any sports, if not what sport would you like to take up?
I am just not a sporty person but if this is a sport I would say gymnastics or dancing ( after watching Dance Moms)
9. What's your makeup essential?
Something to fill in my brows, mascara, light foundation, and a light bronzer!! That's all I think I could live on!!
10. How do you relax?
Listen to music, long baths, candles and warm blankets!!!
11. If you won the lottery how would you spend your winnings
I would go on a crazy shopping spree in NY and probably blow it all!!

11 Nominations ( in no particular order)

11 Questions by me! 

If you were a ghost who would you haunt/spy on? ;)
 Favourite time of year? 
    Favourite clothing brand?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
What is/are your guilty pleasure/s?
Halloween or Christmas?
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Bath or Shower?
What is the farthest you have traveled from home?
What is your go-to breakfast?
Who in your family are you most like?

Can't wait to hear your answers!! Hope you are having a wonderful week!


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  1. Congratulations on getting nominated 😊

  2. I'd love to do Americamp, it looks like so much fun! Congrats on being nominated!

  3. I love these tags! They always make such lovely posts x
    Morgan | www.justmorgs.com

  4. I need to go NY I am planning to go next year I cannot wait to shop til I drop haha. Pixie xx

  5. I love VS to, they have amazing stuff! I love Dance Moms too, love to get to know you Emma x

  6. Loveeeeee Matilda and that pic of New York is so pretty! Love these tags! x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love your picture of NY pretty gal, love these post 💗

  9. Doing one of the camps in America would be amazing. My sister did one in California and had the time of her life. I also love Matilda and Clueless and must have seen them both about 100 times. and I've just started eating mainly
    Gluten free carbs now and feel so much better for it. I was feeling really unwell before so I definitely think gluten wasn't agreeing with me. Can't believe you don't like cats though 😱 Haha xxx great post www.hannahscloud9.com

  10. Great read :) I also fell in love with New York when I visited!! I also love Carrot Cake!

  11. I love the questions that you asked, they're great!! Especially the 'who would you haunt' one haha! I wish I could go to New York and fall in love with it too, it's definitely on my bucket list! Thanks for sharing!

    Abbey 🍓 www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

  12. I definitely relate to point 10! Who needs early mornings and late nights when you can sleep hey? ;D

    Interesting to read your answers :) thanks for posting! xx


  13. Congrats on being nominated! Love posts like this where you can get to know a blogger more and love the questions you've asked! Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica & James

  14. I love posts like this, it was so much fun when I got nominated for the Liebster award, really surprised me as a new blogger that people wanted to read more about me! :) I'm just like you with your first fact - I'm almost 21, and I could pass as 16, haha, it's a blessing and a curse to look young!


  15. Loved this! New York is my favourite place in the world too, and I have a slight addiction to carrot cake haha. Such a fun post, congrats on the nomination!

    Lots of love

    Izzy | www.ADoseOfChatter.com

  16. Such a great post, I love getting to know more about people in posts like these!

    Lots of love, Debra-Bow xx | www.debrabow.com

  17. I love these bog posts - so great to get to know you a little more babe! 🌸💕💫✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x
    www.AlishaValerie.com || www.twitter.com/AlishaValerie

  18. I love these sort of posts. Firstly, I'm 23 and people think I'm about 12 so don't worry about that. We'll be laughing when we're 40 and look 20! No you don't want a winter birthday because people then think they can get away with buying you one gift instead of 2 separate ones! (My birthday is 3 weeks after Christmas, dammit I want two gifts!). Also I love Dance Moms! Did you watch Monday's episode? How good was Kalani? Finally, I don't like cats either!

    Great post, I definitely think we can be best friends! :)

    Sian x
