by - 1:00 pm

So I know I have been inactive but the last two weeks I have been in Malta on a family holiday, I was planning on posting but the wifi in the hotel was awful. It was actually nice to have that time away from the Internet and spend my time with my family! 
I thought I would share some of my pics that I took throughout my trip!

We stayed at the Mellieha Bay Hotel, we used to go there a lot when I was younger so after 10 years it was so weird to go back. 
Having this as my view every morning was amazing to wake up to!! 

Again the view from the beach was incredible . Walking this every day was so nice and beats Scotland any day! 

Valletta was one of the places we visited throughout our trip. I can't really remember going when I was younger so it was a good experience going back. I didn't know what to expect but I was surprised that this area had a lot of shops. 
I never thought I would spend a lot of money but after I found a chemist that sold makeup I kind of went all out! I think I will do a haul next week with everything I purchased!
It was a lovely area, we actually visited it a few times. 

We also visited Popeye Village, again I visited it when I was younger but I can't remember it that much! It is basically the set of the cartoon/film Popeye, if you are interested in that I would 100% recommend it! It was a super nice day and a great 30-minute walk from the hotel.
The harbour was beautiful, unfortunately, it was shut but it was a great view. 

Gozo was another place we visited, we took the ferry across, it was super windy but although it doesn't look like a nice day, it was still hot!
We visited the capital, Victoria, I did some shopping, we visited the Citadel and I got a Calippo!
I used to love getting the green ones when I came to Malta when I was younger! MAJOR THROWBACK!

Most of the holiday was spent chilling by the pool, walking along the beach and reading books!
I got through all the Divergent books, which was so sad, which was great to have so much down time!!!

Although I never got the best tan, it was amazing just to chill and not stress!
Hope you enjoyed my pics!
Love Emma

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  1. Your photos are so beautiful! I'd love a haul!
    Charlotte <3
