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April has been such a quick month, it's also been quite boring! I've just been getting back into work and 'normal life' after New York! 
However, it's been a very good month for new things, which means I have plenty to talk about in my April Favourites. 

I haven't got any beauty items this month other than Dermalogica products!
I was given these products by Dermalogica, so I didn't pay for them but I will 100% be buying them again! 
I've been using the Multi-active Toner for a while but I have noticed the redness on my cheek have improved after I added it to my everyday routine. 
I've recently started to use Daily Microfoliant every day. I was unsure as it is a powder but oh my... It makes my skin feel so soft and clean and has helped with my breakouts! 
I might do an updated skincare routine soon, but if you haven't checked them out, I would highly recommend them! 

Next up I'll have to mention my new iPhone. I pre-ordered the iPhone SE as my contract was up just in time. I picked the Rose Gold colour and it beautiful!! It is pinker than I thought but that just makes it better! 
In terms of what is different from the 5S, to me, not a lot! The camera is definitely better but I am not a tech guru to know the ins and outs! 
It has a bigger storage, more data and a better camera, and that's all that I could ask for!! 

I feel like I'm always mentioning music in my favourites, but I feel my taste changes a lot. This month I have been loving Ella Henderson and Lorde. 
Ella is thanks to the gals I went to New York with, Amy and Steph. I wasn't that big a fan, I never gave her music a listen but after 1996 was on repeat in NYC I fell in love with her music! 1996 or Empire are my favs.
I guess I've always like Lorde but I'm  having a major phase of playing Yellow Flicker Beat and Team on repeat. So I thought I would give her music a go. 
Both Ella and Lorde now have a playlist on Spotify together which is on none stop ;) 

Adding a new book in this month, I rarely take the time to sit down and read. I would normally go for watching a YouTube video or online shopping, but after finally finishing Gone Girl I've became hooked on reading! 
I've never read or seen Divergent so I picked up this booked back in July in Florida and I'm just getting to read it now! 
I feel that being such a big fan of The Hunger Games I was being a traitor For reading the books! But now that that series is finished I can move on! 
I'm already really enjoying Divergent and I can't  stop reading, it's not what I was expecting, but it's better! I am almost finished the first one which is getting too intense. 

Completely random favourite has to go to this Marks and Spencer's boost juice! It's the best thing I have drank. Pineapple and watermelon are two of my favourite fruits so together with Aloe Vera just is heaven! I've been finding I am going to get one every
lunch time to help me get through the day! 
It just makes me so excited for summer

Youtube wise I tend to stick to the same kind of videos but after Zoe mention the Saccone-Jolys in her videos a while back I thought I would give them a watch. To start with I would watch a few but the last few months I have been watching them religiously! The family are so cute and I am so excited for the new baby!

Last but not least I have to say I am loving my room, I've been buying a few bits and pieces but it's finally coming together! I am loving the bohemian theme right now! I want to do a full room/dresser tour so keep an eye for that. 
room right now! Over the last few months, it's just been a bit of a clutter, I haven't organised it nor have I had any order.

I also want to apologise for the lack of post, motivation is a massive factor as well as creativity. I love my blog and I don't want to stop but sometimes you need to step back before you start hating it. 
I am going to 100% try to upload more, I have ideas in mind so bare with me. 
Thanks for being patient! 
Love Emma 

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  1. Aww I love SacconeJolys so much! This family is so cute and Emilia is simply adorable !! xx


  2. Lovely post Emma! I absolutely love the Saccone Jolys as well! <3
    Charlotte <3

  3. Lovely post! I love the rose gold iPhones, they are so pretty! That marks and Spencer juice also sounds so nice, I'll have to pick it up next time I pop in!x

    Erin // Everything Erin

    1. thank you!! I love the Rose Gold colour! yesss, you should try it!! :)

  4. Great post! I love the Sacconejolys as well! - Lexi xx

  5. Your favourites sound lovely! I read Anna Saccone's blog and baby updates religiously when I was pregnant, I loved it :D that Boost juice sounds lush! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. thank you!! aw really. I am so excited about the new baby!!! It is, 100% try it :) xx

    2. also I have followed you on both! x

  6. I have loved watching the Saccone Jolys this month and I want to try reading the Divergant books! X

    1. You should try reading them, they are so good! :) x

  7. I need a new iPhone in my life, mines just about to pack up!

