•The Best of 2017•

by - 1:00 pm

Just like 2016, 2017 went far too quickly, I have said it before but it was one of my favourites. With a new year, came new places, new people and new products. New products, came new favourites,  I thought I would give you a look at what I was loving in 2017.
Here is The Best of 2016, just incase you want a look! :)

I am gonna kick it off with my number one favourite of 2017, and that has to be Jodi Picoult. She is hands down my favourite author, although I have only read two of her books, both had me hooked.

'Small Great Things' was the first book I read, it is about a white supremacist man,  a black nurse and the long court battle over his dead son. It really made me think about racism and how we treat others. Not to give too much away, but there were so many emotions, I just couldn't put it down.

Likewise, 'Nineteen Minutes' was the same, I was so happy when I found this in my local charity shop (trust have a look, they are the best). This is about a schoolboy who goes into his school and shoots his classmates. There were so many twists and turns and you just don't see the ending coming!!

My top film has to go to Beauty and The Beast, even now, almost a year later and I am still singing away to the soundtrack. Belle was my favourite Princess growing up, so I was thrilled to see Emma Watson take the role. The whole cast was amazing, I loved Luke Evans as Gaston as well as his partnership with Josh Gad. The film was just as magical as I hoped.

Another film that I loved and had to mention was Hidden Figures. I watched in on my way to New York and found it so interesting, the fact they had to run so far to just go to the toilet was absurd.
It certainly made me want to be in numbers, figures and science lol.

Tv show-wise, it has to be Stanger Things! I had been waiting for it all year and it certainly disappoint, however, I still hope Barbs comes back from the dead :(
The series once again lived up to the hyped and I was hooked once again, Eleven and Hopper's relationship was the cutest and Dustin really blossom with his character and was one of my favs.
I have to mention Mille Bobby Brown's  rap on Jimmy Fallon show, she killed it and at 13 she is the coolest.

I had to have new music in 2017, with Meghan Trainer's 'NO' topping my most played songs of 2016 (thanks, mum). I tried to find indie, chill songs.
I found Andre Day 'Rise up', which became my most played. (it is just so powerful), Tom Walker 'Fly Away with Me', Otis Redding 'I've Got Dreams to Remember'(one of my favs), anything by Maggie Rodgers and much to my families hatred, Kanye West's Ultralight Beam, this was on repeat.  I surprisingly loved his music.

However 2017 was all about Harry Styles album, it was on repeat from the minutes I had to use my New York hotels Wifi to download it lol
I loved his vibe and style so much, and fell in love with him all over again!
Kiwi was my number 1, it was such a badass song, and the music video is just a dream. I also love Women followed by Sweet Creature!

Make-up wise I never really bought that much, I just wasn't feeling it! I was just trying to save money, however, as I was going to camp I needed a set of contour and highlight.
This Kate Moss contour kit palette was perfect, I bought the 2nd light shade and it is perfect for my skin. As you can see I have used it so much and it was 100% my favourite makeup product.
Sticking with Rimmel, the latter part of the year I became obsessed with the Match Perfection foundation. It had a light to medium coverage, it was great for college and days I had limited time. I obviously had to go with Light Porcelain, however, it is a little light. The shade up was such a big jump, that there was no way I could use it.
Nevertheless, it became a staple in my makeup routine and it, as well as the Contour palette, will continue on to 2018!

I also want to add whilst I was in New York I treated myself to the Tarte 'Tartelette' Amazonian Clay palette, I fell in love and for the whole of summer, it was mine and the rest of the girl's favourite palette.
The shade where all matte, and it had such a good colour range, however, whilst packing to leave camp, which was a mammoth task of 10 8/9-year-olds and my overspending lol,  I misplaced it! :( *broken heart*  I wish I had had Abbey's philosophy of 'Will it matter tomorrow?' because I was so annoyed. I mean I'm over it now, but still. It was a lot of money and my first Tarte product, it was my favourite for sure!

Vogue magazine was also on top of my list of favourite things, I received a subscription form my parents from my parents at Christmas 2016 . I loved reading about the latest trends and it was great for a morning read. I had to stop the subscription as I miss a few over the summer and I never caught up.

In terms of body sprays I was so lucky enough to receive some Body Fantasies products at the start of the year, they were a massive hit not only for me but the whole house. Over Christmas I was obsessed with Vanilla,  however,  My favourite was Kissing in the Rain, it smells a lot like a Victoria Secret scent.
Which nicely brings me to my all-time favourite scent, 'Noir' Tease. by Victoria Secret. I just feel so classy, and  I honestly get so many complaints whilst wearing it, I find it a very classic Vicki C scent and although it a body mist it has a very long last scent.

I also loved Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel moisturiser, it is very light, helps shine control and is very cheap, what more so you want. I apply in the morning and before makeup and I think it has made a big difference to keep my makeup to stay put. It isn't the most moisturizing but I love it and has been a great addition to my routine!

Last but not least, Kate Spade. She has fast become my favourite designer. Back in 2015, I bought my first Kate Spade bag, (the little one), I fell in love with the quality and also the colour. I have used it every night I have gone on, and it was also perfect at camp for days off. Although I love it, it is very small, whilst I was visiting Florida I had to go to the Kate Spade Outlet. Sarah and Maddie had a bet with how much I would spend so they egged me on to buy as much as I could. I needed no persuasion and bought a medium sized bag and the matching purse.  The bag is a perfect size, it holds my essentials as well as my new purse! The purse makes me feel more like an adult LOL, it is so sleek and pretty.
I kinda want to do a standard 'What's in my bag' so I'll take a proper pic, stay tuned ;)

Hope you are having a good start to the new year, let me know what your 2017 favourites have been? Do we have anything similar?
Speak soon,
Love Emma

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  1. I have used the tea tree and witch hazel moisturiser awhile ago and was really good! Need to pick another one up now.
    I haven’t read any of Jodi Picolts books but going to have a nose on amazon, I am obsessed with reading again since getting my kindle xxxxx


  2. I added the book nineteen minutes to my wish list. I don't know why, but books on shootings always interest me. I'm super excited to buy it! Thanks for the recommendation love xxx

    Melina | www.ivefoundwaldo.com

    1. I loved it, I really want to read it again, it was that good! I love books that have court cases in them, it is so interesting!! xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've never heard of the author, but both books you read sound very compelling! I might have to see if I can find them in my local charity shop! I've been using that Rimmel foundation for a while myself and have no complaints xx



  5. I loved Beauty and the Beast too, it was such a great film. The Tartelette palette is beautiful too, it's one I've loved since I first saw it xx

    Kristy | www.thevioletblonde.com

  6. Loveeee rimmel foundation, for the price it's amazing! Sorry to read you lost your tarte palette :(
    Lovely post x

    Yasmin 💗
    The Sweet Seven Five

  7. Omg Stranger Things certainly was a highlight of my 2017 too, it was absolutely fantastic and my boyfriend and I watched both seasons in a matter of days! xx

  8. Small Great Things sounds like a really engaging read but something that covers a lot of important issues, I will have to pick up a copy for myself! Your Kate Spade bag and wallet are gorgeous, I have been lusting after her bags for soooo long hehe! Looking forward to a 'whats in my bag' post!

    Abbey 😘 http://www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

  9. Millie Bobbie Brown is just so damn cool I can't cope!!! Love her and stranger things! 👌🏼

    Love Izzy | http://www.adoseofchatter.com

  10. Oh my goodness yes, the running to the toilet part is something I remember to clearly about Hidden Figures, same as how they wouldn't use the same coffee pot? It all seems to ridiculous now but yes that film was brilliant!

    Julia // The Sunday Mode
