• Warner Bro Studios Tour London•

by - 1:00 pm

Hey guys, hope you had a great week! If you don't know I am going over to America for 3 months with Americamp to work in a summer camp. One of the criteria is to get a Visa, sadly there is not one in Scotland so I had to travel to London for the embassy! 
As you can tell I am a big fan of traveling so this was just another adventure. My parents kindly accompanied me on my travels and more excited paid for a trip to the Warner Bro Studios, London!  
I thought I would share some pics with you on my travels however I have a lot, so I am going to split this into two posts, The Studios, and the Embassy 'experience'!

The Warner Bros Studio Tour

We got the tube into Euston and then got the train into Watford, At Watford Station, there is a shuttle bus that takes you into the Studios, it costs £2.50 and they are every 10/15 mins.
 We got there pretty early, had some lunch and looked into the shop. Things are quite expensive so if you are a big big fan then bring lots of cash! 
We waited 15/20 mins in the queue, then got taken into two separate rooms with two separate videos about the making of Harry and the Studios. It then opens up to the great hall and the tour began.

The Great Hall was incredible, it was amazing to be standing in the hall where everything was filmed.
There were then props and costumes from the different films as you walked through, it was so interesting to see how small Daniel Radcliff was when he first started.
I loved seeing the Common Rooms and Professor Umbridge's office!

Then you made your way outside to one of my favourite bits, The Knight Bus, Privet Drive, The Hogwarts Bridge and Godric Hollow, as well as sipping Butterbeer which is, by the way, the best!!! 
This time Privet Drive was actually open for you to go inside, it was so cute to see the living room and the layout of the house! 

There was also the Hogwarts Express which you could have a wander through, it showed the different sets in the train throughout the films!
There were more props and a visual effect section, right now they have 'Directing Dobby' where you stand and move your body to move him. You also got to see all the creatures/animals used in the film, my favourite being Buckbeak the Hippogriff!

Then there was Diagon Alley, which was another favourite part of the tour, again it was amazing to be standing where they filmed the movie! It is so impressive to see all the little detailing in all the shops.
The last part of the tour was the replica of Hogwarts, I believe it was used to film far away shots in the film! It was massive and had so many intricate detailing, from the trees to the building!

It took us maybe an hour to walk round, although the say the average is 3 hours,  so if you want to have proper look then you have plenty of time!!
I visited it before however, it was still very interesting, it brought my inner Harry Potter fangirl out and took me back to when I was younger!
If you are a Harry Potter fan then I highly recommend going, it is so worth it!
If you have any questions, just ask.

Like I said I am going to upload my Visa experience so if you have any questions, just let me know?

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  1. Ahh i'm going in a few weeks and this makes me so so excited! I've been obsessed with Harry Potter so i've been dying to go here. It looks like you had so much fun :)

    Lovely read!

    Laura xo

  2. You'll have a blast with AmeriCamp!! I used to work there!! I'm dying to go here, I'm thinking of surprising my boyfriend for his birthday, it looks fab. Great review ☺️Xx


  3. Camp America sounds amazing, I hope you have a lovely time! Shocker I've never seen Harry Potter but the studios do look incredible. Glad you had a good time

  4. WOW! CAMP AMERICA? You go girl! You're gonna have such a fabulous time and I can't wait to hear all about it.
    Loved your post as well, I've never been to the warner brother studios but its something on my list of things to see and do so seeing your photos definitely inspired me and made me a little bit more excited to get there one day! xxxx

  5. I absolutely love the studio tour I try to visit every year as it's just a really great day out and could spend hours exploring the art rooms near the end of the tour! x

  6. This looks like a lot of fun, Emma! I've never visited the studios before and I'd really like to, all your photos look fab! I'd especially like to go to the Great Hall and Diagon Alley, all the little details would be so great to see! I'm sure it'd give me an even greater appreciation of the films!

    Abbey 😘 www.abbeylouisarose.co.k

  7. I've been there, it is absolutely amazing!!
    I would love to go back hopefully

  8. Considering I'm SUCH a Harry Potter geek, I can't actually believe I've not visited this studio tour 🙈 Glad you got to see so many cool costumes and props from the films! And eeeeek so excited for you for Americamp too 👌🏼

    Love Izzy | www.ADoseOfChatter.com

  9. I've been here a couple of times but not for a while so really want to go back. I haven't seen the Hogwarts Express yet which sounds amazing! I'm hoping to go this Christmas - they cover the castle in snow which is supposed to look fabulous!

  10. As if you had to travel all the way to London to get a visa, I didn't realise there wasn't one in Scotland! Good excuse to visit though! I love the Harry Potter tour but it's been about three years since I went so haven't seen the train, really wanna go back!
    Amy xx

  11. I'm glad you enjoyed it and you'll have to show lots of photos when you go on camp Hun! Xxxx

  12. We literally love around the corner from here and I've never been! I keep saying we will. Everyone says it's amazing even if your not that into the movies!

    Tania || www.taniaalexandraribeiro.com

  13. The photos you took are amazing! I'm very jealous you got to go. I went to the one in California and it was nothing compared to this! (:

    Single Vegas Girl

  14. I love this place! I'm such a nerd I LOVED seeing all the sets , costumes and props! I went years ago when the train wasn't there so I'd love to go again one day xx

  15. Love your pictures! Glad you had a fab time!

    Love, Melissa x

  16. I went when it first opened but really want to go again because there are a few new bits in there! Congrats on getting to go to America too! I'm sure you'll have a great time!

    Sian x

  17. I've been to the studios a few times because everytime there's a new attraction I just HAVE to see it (crazy fan) and aren't they so amazing? It's so incredible to see the real props and sets and all the effort that went into filming them!

    Claudia | https://claudemorts.blogspot.co.uk

  18. I'm not a hardcore fan of Harry Potter but I do love the films and even I would want to go a visit this, it looks so interesting and fun! Maybe one day!

  19. I hope you have so much fun at AmeriCamp - what a great experience. I've always really wanted to go to the Harry Potter studios tour but never have been able to, i've been to the Warner Bros Studio Tour in LA and they have all the props in there as well so that was so cool!
    I'd love it if you give me a read itsheredition.wordpress.com

  20. Hope you have had loads of fun at Camp America, Emma! Being a Harry Potter fan, its highly amazing and fascinating to visit such great place. Must be fantastic to see actual costumes and props from the film series. Congrats for your visit. I hope you have had a memorable experience.

    Travelodge Discount
    Love xoxo,

  21. Oh I want to visit the Warner Bro's Studio Tour so badly! It looks amazing

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

  22. Oh my god this has got me so excited! I'm going here at the end of the month with some work colleagues! I can't flipping wait! Your photos are amazing too!
    Fab post! xxxx
    Rachel | www.rachelxblog.com
