by - 11:00 am

One more sleep until the big day, I can't believe it is here. It has come so fast, yet so slow.  
Having been ill for the past few weeks and now being in two sets of antibiotics,  I thought I would cheer myself up and  get into the Christmas spirit for the big day.
 Here is The Christmas Tag. :)

1. Whats your favourite Christmas Movie?
Elf has to one of the funniest films. I feel you HAVE to watch this  movie at least once! But I have a major soft spot for The Christmas Carol, starring Jim Carrey. The animation is amazing and I love the story. It is such a feel good film.
But I have to say Arthur Christmas has been Number 1.
As I type I am watching it for the 3rd time ;)

2. Candy Cane or Gingerbread? 
Definitely Gingerbread! Gingerbread lattes are a must at this time of year!! 

3. Do you like to stay in your PJs or Dress up for Christmas? 
When I was younger I would say dress up, it was so exciting getting a new dress for the special day! But as I have gotten older, I have went for Xmas jumpers and being cosy. 

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
Anything by Michael Buble, especially Christmas or Cold December Night! But you can't beat a bit of Slade at Christmas! 

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? 
As much as I have always wanted to open them on Christmas Eve, I always wait until the morning! To keep the suspense going. 

6. Have you ever built a Ginger Bread house?
Yes but it was the biggest fail ever, it collapsed and fell on the floor. :( 

7. Favourite Christmas smell? 
It has always been Cinnamon or Gingerbread but this year I have been loving Yankee Candles sweeter smells like Christmas Cookie! 

8. Favourite meal or Treat? 
Waking up every morning to a piece of chocolate is always my favourite but a Christmas morning fry up can't be beat! 

8. Real or Fake tree? 
I would love a real tree but as I am still living in the house with my parents I have a fake tree right now! But my mum has bought pine scents so the house smells like a real tree. So best of both. 
Although I do think I am allergic to real tree s:(

10. What is most important this Christmas? 
That all my family are safe and well. For those who are not with me to have a great day. 
Also for all my family to get spoiled as they all deserve it! 

I hope everyone has the best Christmas and gets spoiled by Santa. 
I hope everyone eats as much food as possible and laughs as much as you can. 
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Love Emma 

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