by - 1:00 pm

I have seen a few posts lately about 'How to Be Happy' and 'How to Stay Positive' and I absolutely love them! I love reading other people's lifestyle post, I find it so interesting and they really inspire me! Since we are fully into to the colder weather I thought I would share what I do on my 'Lazy Days'.

Now I know what you are thinking, lazy days equals lie ins but really you will feel so much better getting up early.  It is just a great feeling being the first one up in your house, everything is so peaceful and quiet!
Light a candle, turn the fairy lights on and make everything feel cosy!
 I can't start my day without breakfast,  I tend to not touch my phone until I am fully awake so I whilst I eat I catch up on YouTube and any messages!!
Having a relaxing morning means I am more motivated to do tasks, and getting up early means I can get more tasks  done! 

I love to plan, and with more time on my hands, I like to sit down and plan. Plan my day, jobs to be done and plan upcoming blog posts. It makes me feel so organized and ready for the day. 
Blogging and having a full-time job can be hard,  so when I have time off, planning my posts can be helpful to keep track what is going up and when. 
I also love writing what needs to be done in my day and then at the end of the day what I achieved, things like that can make you feel more positive about what you have accomplished!! 
You obviously have to have some music, now that November has come I am loving the Christmas playlist!! ;) 

I, like most people just let things build up until my room is a hot mess. A clear workspace makes a clear head, and that is so true, if things are not tidy then it stresses me out.
I know it is a 'lazy day' but it is so satisfying making your room neat and tidy, even though in a few days it will be back to the same old  mess lol If I don't have a day off,  I will do it at night, I love going to sleep after I have tidied my room knowing when I wake up it will be all clear! 

All my girls, or guys out there, is it just me who can't stand not having my nails painted! I hate the look of my nails and I just feel 'naked' lol.  So on my lazy days, I love giving myself a good manicure and pampering myself.  Picking the colour, put on a good film and you will be relaxed in no time. The end result is also very pleasing!!
However, on this occasion, it was stressful, trying to get a shot of myself painting my nails became such a task! Self-timer and my mouth came in handy!!! 


Lastly, you can't have a lazy day without a warm bath, a Lush Bomb, and a good book!! It is such a good way to wind down and relax! I tend to have my baths at night just to get me super chill and ready for bed, however, having a bath in the morning/afternoon has become my favourite thing to do!!
I have mentioned before how I feel that I never have time to read, so spending 40 plus minutes in the bath is just complete 'me' time!! 

I want to do more of these lifestyle post as like I said I really enjoy reading and writing them!! It is all steam ahead for Christmas now and I am so excited!!! As you can see I am planning my post, so stay tuned aha!!! 
Let me know what you do on your 'Lazy Days'??? 
Hope you are having a great day!! 

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  1. love this post hun pics are so cute :) x

  2. Planning is actually one of my fave things to do!
    Love the layout of this post!

    Terri x

  3. Love these ideas! I never know what to do on a day off from work

    Courteney writes xxx

  4. Bedroom goals or what? I totally agree, no lazy day would be complete without a nice bath! I loved this Emma! x

  5. I love days like this, especially sundays! x

  6. Your room looks so cosy! Fab post! X

  7. This sounds like such a perfect lazy day!
    Robyn // http://www.midnightandlace.co.uk/

  8. Oh my god I love your picture wall, can i hire you to come and do mine for me?! Brilliant post Emma. I love lazy days and as much as they sound like lazying on the sofa all day i love to actually clean and do things such as emails or even write blog posts!!! Lots of love, Debra x x

  9. This is a lovely post I felt really cosy just reading it! X melishiascorner.wordpress.com

  10. ahhh this is actually so cute and i felt cosy reading it! such lovely things to do if im having a lazy day! good post hun! x


  11. Your bedroom is so cosy! I agree with most of this... but I can never convince myself to get up early on lazy days/days off!


  12. I felt so relaxed just reading this!! I do a lot of the same things on my lazy days- tidying is huge with me, goal setting at the start of the day is awesome, and giving myself a mani-pedi is so gratifying! This is great, ty!!
    XX Jen

  13. I loved this post gorgeous and the photos are lovely too! I love to listen to music, I find I don't go a day without it.
    -Olivia Xxx


  14. This sounds like my kind of day, apart from the getting up early bit, I'm not a morning person, haha! Great post and fab photos :)

    Sharon X

  15. Your bedroom is so cute and I agree, I beilive a lazy day can still start early - not that we have much lazy days but they usually do start early and planning is always number one! Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica & James | foodandbaker.co.uk

  16. I agree with everything in this! I used to absolutely love lay ins but now I realise you have a much more satisfying day if you get up bright and early! I love reading in the bath, or flicking through a magazine (though I'm paranoid I'll drop it in - even worse if I'm reading an ebook!)

    Hazel - www.fleurcharms.co.uk

  17. Ah this is so inspiring! Currently a lazy day is totally off the cards as juggling 30 hours of work and studying full time at university is such a nightmare! But I'm fortunate enough to have the whole month of January off in return - bookmarking this and totally coming back for some inspo soon! Although just like you I'm sure my lazy day will turn into a blogging/writing day also! But finishing it off with a lovely bath couldn't be any better <3

    Lovely post! Can't wait for my time off now and your photos are lovely! xx


  18. I admit, the whole time I was reading, I was like but it's meant to be a LAZY day. :D But I guess it's also different for someone who works fulltime. On a lazy day, you do things you don't get to do otherwise. Personally, I literally do nothing on a lazy day. I sleep, watch TV or a movie, eat and that's about it. I have to admit though that it often doesn't make me 100% happy, since I feel bad for not doing ANYTHING. So the getting up early (I'm soo bad at it) and doing something like clean your room does make sense. MAybe I should I try this approach next time. :)

    xx Hailey - www.haileyjaderyan.com // www.instagram.com/haileyjaderyan

  19. Fairy lights are a great idea! I need to put them up in my apartment. You are totally right about getting up and making an early start: I always feel energized when I accomplish a lot while it's still rather early in the day!


  20. I love tidying! I know most people hate it but I absolutely love it! I just like finding old things and giving my space a new look. It's not often I get a proper lazy day but if I do, I just sit and watch TV/films all day long and eat all the snacks!

    Sian x

  21. "Things to do on a lazy day... start your day early" - Those two things should not be said together 😂. But i do agree, you do feel much better if you do get out of bed

    My lazy days are usually spent staying in bed (especially in this cold weather), listening to music or watching youtube videis

  22. "Things to do on a lazy day... start your day early" - Those two things should not be said together 😂. But i do agree, you do feel much better if you do get out of bed

    My lazy days are usually spent staying in bed (especially in this cold weather), listening to music or watching youtube videis

  23. ohmygosh, i totally thought i was the only one that enjoys planning on my lazy days! lovely post hun :)

    mia // https://okaaythen.com

  24. I'm number one fan of having a lazy day and loved this post! I love having a bath with a lush bath bomb and face mask on a lazy day and also just slobbing on the sofa or in bed watching Netflix! Fab post!

  25. I love tidying up and doing my nails - although lazy days should be lazy, I still want to be productive in a way, haha! I should really get back into reading books; since the start of my third year at uni, I have had troubles finding the time to really get stuck into a novel. Hmm, maybe if I start my days earlier, I'll have more time! Great post :)


  26. These are such great ideas. Thank you for sharing! 💜💫✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x
    www.AlishaValerie.com | www.twitter.com/AlishaValerie

  27. Oh my gosh, your room is goals!! very pretty! love the picture of the nail polish, good job girl!

  28. Love your room! Totally agree that tidying up your personal space can be a really relaxing thing to do. Loved reading this and getting some tips on how to spend my next day off xxx www.hannahscloud9.com

  29. I love posts like these! Your lazy day sounds great, my lazy day goes more like: wake up, lie in bed and watch netflix all day, sleep! ha. I think I definitely need to get into the habit of getting up, getting breakfast and planning my day.

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

  30. I am so doing everything on this list tomorrow, I always use my weekends to plan, plan, plan my life away!

    Lovely post xxx
