by - 1:00 pm

Wow, how fast is the year going! The first few days of this month have been a bit bland, how rubbish has the weather been, like come on, it is July!!! Anyway, July is an exciting month, my 21st on Tuesday and Beyonce on Thursday, so I can't really complain! 
I should be uploading a birthday haul so keep an eye out either Tuesday or Wednesday, but for now here are my June Favourites! :)

Starting with none beauty favourites, I'm not sure if I've ever mention my love for Gossip Girl on my blog so I thought I would give it a mention! 
I went through a massive obsession with it and then kinda stopped! I watched it on and off, but this month I raced through Season 5 and 6 and sadly finished it! 
I feel like if you are a super girly girl then you would love this programme! 
I kinda wanna watch it all again, one, because it was amazing and two, since going to New York it is so weird to see places I've been! 
I will miss watching it ALOT, but I'm still Just waiting to find my Nate Archibald! ;)

I feel like I'm so late to be posting these albums in my favourites but I just recently purchased them and have been listening to them non-stop! Number one is Adele's 25 album. Her voice is insane and her music is incredible! If I want to have a chill out session, this is perfect.
 Number Two is  Beyoncé - Lemonade! Her voice is also insane but I am so excited that I am actually seeing Queen B in a few days! This music has been perfect for when I want to jam and have a good dance! 
Some days I can jam to Beyoncé and then I can jam to Adele. It's the Best of Both Worlds! 
My favourite song is A Million Years ago, that just hits major feels, and Daddy's Lesson because it is so catchy! 

A new purchase make-up wise this month, was these Real Techniques Brushes! From what I gather they are only sold at SuperDrug but I could be wrong. After getting my Zoeva brushes I swore I wasn't going to buy any more brushes  but after I heard great things about these,  I bought them on a wimp. 
I will always say that I feel Real Technique brushes are highly  underrated and are some of the best! And these are no different! 
The 'Fanning' brush is perfect to apply highlight on my cheek bones, and both the Sculpting Brush  And the Setting Brush are great for contour! Paired with the Anastasia Beverly Hills contour kit, they have been a great addition to my collection! 

I have also been loving my Naked 2 palette, I got it at Christmas(what I got here and I'm starting to really use it now! It has a lot of great Browns for a smokey eye but what I love is the shimmer shades! I have been reaching for this palette a lot through June! My favourites have been 'Snakebite' and 'BootyCall' which is a gorgeous highlight. 

My beauty favourites this month HAVE to be Zoe's new range, I did a full post about it (here).  The little purse which has been perfect to help motivate me to save money for next year and the Sweet Inspirations body mist ,which I have gotten complimented on a lot when I wear it, have been my ultimate fav out the collection and had to make it on this post! 

Last and not least has to be a personal favourite, and that is pushing myself more. I tend to stick to my comfort zone and sometimes that doesn't get me anywhere. 
I went to a family party where for the first time ever the dog Leo was there. He was always put in the kennels but I wanted to get over my fear and be in the same house as him, it ended up being completely fine and I had been worrying over nothing. 
I also went to my first ever Blog Meet-up hosted by Ruth , meeting different bloggers and just having a good chat was something I would never do. It was great fun and I ended up meeting the lovely Jade (blog here). If anyone has any meet-ups in Edinburgh let me know!! 
And the biggest moment for me this month was putting a deposit down for Americamp 2017, I had wanted to work at a Summer camp this year but I just wasn't ready. But my deposit is down for next year plus my application has been started. I am LEGIT so excited for next year!! So fingers crossed!  

Let me know what you have been loving, and if you have any fun plans ahead? 
Love Emma 

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  1. Love your favorites and I'm glad you liked Zoe's new fragrance x


  2. YES GOSSIP GIRL. Currently planning a rewatch podcast, coming this autumn ;)

  3. Gorgeous post and blog! Love it :)
    xoxo Antonela


  4. Oh I adore the Real technique brushes. They're so easy to use and very affordable. Also, Queen B. EEEEK!

    Love, Kerstin
